We strongly believe that natural language will be the next UI for many use cases. We've already made bots, that allows making business, e-commerce, provide information. Imagine, that you can order pizza, or buy a movie ticket just by saying so!
It's all about the web, services are just better than app. With modern Frontend Frameworks like EmberJS and highly elastic backend like Django we can provide cost efficient, amazingly fast user experience. If you have a complicated process that would gain from automation, webapp is probably the best way to starting.
The Internet is full of ready made things, that are cheap or even free of charge, and they're amazing. Unfortunately most business cases are much complicated than that, and it's almost always a need to integrate few systems with each others. With solutions like Django Rest Framework, Redis, and micro services we can provide fast, easy to maintain integrations between complicated systems.
Buying software, having difficulties with your developers team? In many cases the main problem is poorly code standards that disallows developers from being cost effective. No matter if you just bought your shiny dedicated software, or you have a 10 years old solutions, enhancing code quality is a good place to start, when your goal is to lower maintenance costs.
When building solutions, that are used by hundreds of thousands, or are used from 9 to 5, proper User Interface is crucial. We provide our apps with tones of features, filters, tips, context menus so the user can find all necessary features just where he needs them.
Having troubles with large scale environments, or maybe need to create separate demo instance on demand? We can help you with create High availability solution that would easily scale.